Eco apple; low chemical growing

We use a method called “eco apples”  which is an advanced IPM (integrated pest management) process

We focus our attention on making the trees as healthy as possible so that the tree is more disease resistant.  We do this with nutrients to the soil and water;  nutrients like, fish and seaweed. We also do extensive pheromone trapping to determine when there is economic damage which requires spraying (and only then).There is a trade off between growing the prettiest and healthiest apple.  There are really only 5 bugs that we are concerned with that can do significant crop damage. Some bugs are "beneficial" because they eat bugs that can cause a problem. IPM uses many resources to monitor the health and condition of the apples which includes pesticides but only when that is the best option for the crop and only the right chemical under the right conditions is used. Our apples are washed in an antibacterial soap and we use no wax.   While organic does limit the use of some chemicals, it still uses chemicals on a frequent or regular basis only the types of chemicals are restricted to be called organic.  We believe you can get a healthy and pretty apple with IPM growing techniques. If you have any questions about the techniques or process please let us discuss them with you.  We go to school every winter to stay up to date on the latest methods, rules, and products so that we can produce the best apples for you. 


Market Hours

Friday, Saturday, and Sunday

12-5 pm


W853 County Road B Campbellsport, WI 53010

(In the town of Armstrong)

Phone: 616-877-6867

E Mail

What's New:

  • New playgroung for 2022
  • spider web net for climbing 
  • Bridal and baby showers
  • Have your wedding at the Winery 
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© Armstrong Apples 2016